كشف حكومي

في اليوم العالمي لحقوق الانسان: مسيرة صامتة للتنديد بالعنف ضد النساء (صور)


انتظمت يوم امس الجمعة 10 ديسمبر بشارع الحبيب بورقيبة مسيرة احتجاجية صامتة بالعاصمة للتنديد بقتل النساء وجرائم العنف المسلط عليهن .

Protesters wave Flags and hold placards.
Protesters wave Flags and hold placards.
Protesters wave Flags and hold placards.
Bochra Belhadj Hmida a known Fminist tunisian figure participate in the protest.
Protesters wave Flags and hold placards.
Feminist activists wearing hoodies reaing in Arabic: No for killing women. Yosra Fraoues (C) Head of Tunisian Association of Democratic Women is seen in the protest.
Protesters hold placards to denounce the violence against women.
Protesters hold placards to denounce the violence against women.
A protester is seen wearing a face mask reading : Stop Feminicide.